Beer Notes: A temporary closure and surviving another flood among latest news

The Tractor Brewing taproom in Los Lunas has been closed temporarily, with no specific reason given as to why.

Just when we thought we might have nothing to write about today, a couple news items crossed our proverbial desk, and we dug around for more.

Tractor temporarily closes a taproom

Though no specific reason was given, Tractor Brewing emailed out this announcement today:

It is with a very heavy heart that we announce the temporary closure of our Los Lunas location. The key here is that it is temporary, and we are hopeful to continue operations once it is safe for our servers and customers to resume indoor dining. We want to thank the Village of Los Lunas for all the support and also for being so welcoming to us. We cannot wait to serve you a hot delicious pizza or a cold refreshing pint again. Please stay safe and everyone mask up.

We reached out for further comment, but Tractor said it will allow that statement to stand. We do not think there was any sort of COVID-19 positive test among the staff or customers, but instead will chalk this up to the cost of operating the taproom was greater than the revenue it could generate from 50-percent occupancy on the patio and to-go sales of beer and food. Whatever the reason, as the statement says, it is only seen as a temporary closure.

Tractor recently closed its Four Hills location due to the small size of its patio and the lease expiring, and that spot will not reopen in the future. It is tough to see that even a well-established, successful brewery like Tractor is having to make these sort of decisions in the current state of the world. We can only hope it all turns out for the best in the long run.

Just remember, there are no winners here.

Truth or Consequences back in business after flooding

Truth or Consequences Brewing is back open after a flood came through town this past weekend.

The floods that tore through Truth or Consequences and other parts of Southern New Mexico on Sunday did not spare TorC Brewing. But, while there was some floodwater that made its way inside, there was no significant damage.

The brewery has been flooded once before, but overall has managed to overcome the somewhat unique obstacle from Mother Nature and the geography of downtown Truth or Consequences.

“Luckily there is quite a bit of sidewalk/patio out front and our floors are concrete,” taproom manager Susan Hafer wrote in an email. “It’s all cleaned up and we are open. Eleven precious seats on the patio and of course beer to go!”

Considering we have seen a plague, a fire (at Taos Mesa), and now a flood, it has been a rough year for New Mexico breweries.

Just, uh, watch out for meteors and locust swarms.

Patio updates

Since our last story about expanded patios, there have been a few changes.

  • La Reforma has doubled the size of its patio.
  • Palmer Brewery and Left Turn Distilling changed their minds and have a patio after all (we will look to follow up on this soon).
  • Kilt Check is in the process of building its patio.
  • Green Jeans Farmery, which includes a Santa Fe Brewing taproom, has expanded outdoor seating throughout the property.

That is all the info we have for now. If you have any news you would like to share with us, send us a DM on social media or an email to

Keep supporting local!

— Stoutmeister